We welcomed the 5th Linskey to the clan last night. (No, again, don't worry it's not a human addition!) We are now the proud owners of a little Chocolate Lab puppy (born May 9th) named "Bucky". He is quite a little cutey (mainly becuase he hasn't destroyed too much yet). I'm sure there will be many more pictures and stories of destruction to come ...
Thanks to Donnie Schuessler and family for making this all possible :)
(Donnie picked up Bucky from the breeder, housebroke him, crate trained him, took excellent care of him, and then drove 12 hours to meet Todd in North Carolina to deliver him. He also promptly called at 8pm to find out how his little boy was doing in his new home. We will have to plan a reunion at some point I think!)
P.S. Happy Birthday Grandma Mary :)