Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas 2012

2012 was really a very boring year for us.  We didn’t move, we aren’t planning on moving, and other than a few new scars there are no family additions or wild excursions in the works.  But, boring is good for us as we continue to enjoy good health and have much to be thankful for. 

So, what was new this year?  Well, we attempted to grow a garden.  This was great until the rats figured out we were having success. As it turns out, rats (like our children) don’t like vegetables so we were able to enjoy the carrots and cucumbers of our labor (just not the apples, apricots, or tomatoes).   Bucky, the world’s laziest dog, did little to deter them.  We all tried new ways to improve our fitness.  Todd discovered Crossfit.  Allison and Kelly swim with Amanda on the local team (yes, they let old people join too!)  Matthew tried soccer, but found it was ‘boring and stupid’ because everyone kept taking the ball from him.  He is planning to try swim team or gymnastics in just a few months… and maybe basketball.  If there is ever a sport involving light sabers, he’ll be all over that.   And, until sleeping becomes a competitive sport Julia has decided that she really likes volleyball.   Below are a few factoids about the kids...
Amanda – 10th grader – call sign “The Troll”
Never ask her about Pokemon.  Just trust me on this one.
Slaughters the English language on a routine basis.  It’s epic.
Believes Speedos could be used as a weapon in the war on terror.
Wastes more time on Pinterest than the government does on, well, everything.
Chuck Norris will soon be afraid of her driving.

Julia – 8thgrader – call sign “Whovian Princess”
Petitioned Congress to change the name of the sport of “Bowling” to“Boring.”
Believes every problem can be solved by shooting it. Unless it’s a zombie or Matthew.
Is sorry for all the Doctor Who references. More sorry because you don’t understand them.
Laughs uncontrollably while watching The Walking Dead.
Could sleep through a Zombie Apocalypse.

 Allison – 6thgrader – call sign “Princess Grumpy Pants”
Willing to go anywhere at any time and do pretty much anything that isn’t sitting around. She’d even watch the Vikings.
Her athletic exploits are the basis of the term “drama jock.” Best known example is Jay Cutler of the Chicago Bears.
Really, really, REALLY wants her very own phone.
Wants to be like her grandma and jump out of a plane and is quite mad that she has to wait until she’s 18 to do it.
Carries home enough beach sand in her swimsuit to fill half of a sandbox.

Matthew – 3rdgrader – call sign “The Sock Jedi”
Carries home enough school playground sand in his shoes to fill the other half of a sandbox.
If lightsabers were real, he would kick Yoda’s butt. He’s that good.
Still finds girls boring, but (for some reason) thinks babies are awesome.
Knows everything. Learned it on the Internet.
Can fit an entire blanket into his underpants.

 Bucky – age 5 ½- call sign “Bumpasaurus”
Can fit THREE balls in his mouth at the same time. Try it, it’s not easy.
Has never found an object or animal he will not at least try to eat.
Perfected his “hound dog” attack bark.
Is so lazy snails frequently mistake him for a plant.
Vowed to always protect his family from plastic bags stuck on bushes.

Best quotes of the year:
While picking out flavor snacks dog treats, Julia says, "Is it bad that I want them too?"

Upon leaving Sequoia National Forest, Matthew uttered the following declaration:
"Never ever take me to another place where all we do is look at trees!"

"Matthew just stuck a straw up his nose and blew bubbles in his soda." (Text from Julia

Have a wonderful holiday season and a safe and Happy 2013!

Todd, Kelly, Amanda, Julia, Allison, and Matthew