Friday, June 19, 2009

Swim Team

Here is a video of Allison swimming butterfly and a few pictures of starts. I also have a picture of Allison's goggle hair, which is a look sported by most of the kids at some point in every meet.

The black writing on all the kids' arms/legs/backs/etc.? That's sharpie pen/marker. Yes, parents actively write on their kids with sharpies. We even give kids sharpies to write on each other (they like to decorate each other with slogans like, "Eat my bubbles", "Eat my waves", "You swim like a stone", etc.) But, really, why would we do something like this? Well, for one, sharpie doesn't come off easily. This is important because we write the kids' names on their bodies and their events, heat, and lane assignment's on their arms/legs. Again, why? Let me explain....

There are usually over 200 kids at these meets. They all have swimming suits on. They all pretty much look the same, especially when wet and with goggle hair. It's even harder if they have on a cap and goggles. Sometimes, you can tell by their size how old they are, but a lot of times you can't. Do the kids know what they are swimming? Sometimes. Do they keep track of when they are supposed to swim? Not even a little. If they have their names written on their bodies somewhere, it makes it easier to find them. See, the parents at the meets all have a 2-hour job. It could be timing, ribbons, concessions, place judge, scorekeeper, runners, or the one nobody wants: locator. The locator has to wade through a sea of wet kids to find the one that is missing from their assigned lane. See, the locator works with the line-up person. The line-up person gets the kids in the right order and reminds them about what they are swimming (because they tend to forget). The locator is tasked by the line-up person with hunting down wayward children who either haven't shown up or who have wandered off to the concession stand or tennis court or nearby trees. Usually, while you are off looking for them (and you usually don't have any idea what they look like) they show up and line-up. You search and get frantic...only to return to tell the line-up person the bad news and discover them standing in line. Everyone has to do this job at least once during the season, and it's the hardest one. I got to do it the first meet.

The swim meets are actually pretty fun. Our last meet is Wednesday, and then we will really be getting lazy.

House selling update in one word:


Happy Father's Day !!!

Top 43 Things about My Julia Linskey

1. Loves to tickle his children almost to death.
2. Has to bring his children to softball practice.
3. Has to run to keep in shape.
4. Needs lots of computer time.
5. Has to help make breakfast.
6. Must (in theory) mow the lawn.
7. Needs to help neighbors cut down trees.
8. Needs to turn off the sprinkler.
9. Has to go to work.
10. Needs lots of TV time.
11. Needs to play lots of Wii.
12. Has to have quality time alone.
13. Likes sleeping.
14. Doesn't like cleaning up poop.
15. Doesn't like it when Matthew draws on the walls.
16. Likes to spank Matthew.
17. Finds new ways to entertain his children.
18. Doesn't like it when Bucky throws up on his couch.
19. Doesn't like it when Bucky leaves hickory nuts on his couch.
20. Doesn't like it when Bucky sleeps on his couch.
21. He got us a weird dog, but we love him most of time.
22. He doesn't let us get killed.
23. He climbs on the roof so mom won't fall off it and kill herself.
24. He likes to drink coke, even if Matthew always steals the can.
25. Makes sure we don't play Nintendo too long.
26. Likes to eat stuff that we think is icky.
27. Likes to eat stuff that Bucky thinks is icky.
28. He works in his workshop. A lot.
29. He falls asleep sitting up.
30. Teaches Matthew how to go to the bathroom in the woods.
31. Teaches Matthew how not to go to the bathroom in the front yard.
32. He makes us watch the boring news. So we sort of learn more.
33. He likes the Navy. Sometimes.
34. He likes to eat nasty tasting nuts and tries to get other people to eat them too.
35. He can't wait until vacation.
36. He loves the beach. Not.
37. He loves the woods, but not ticks.
38. He likes hiking.
39. He hates cats.
40. He likes to watch football while drinking Fat Squirrel.
41. He drinks lots of milk.
42. He loves mom. Sometimes.
43. He loves us. Even Bucky too.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Our lovable Bucky

Many of you have heard the tales of Bucky. He is not always the most normal dog, but then again he's in our family so how is that even possible.

At the pool today, Matthew saw the lifeguard walking over towards Bucky. He wasn't going to see him, just pick something up by him. Matthew took that opportunity to inform the lifeguard that:

"That's my dog Bucky. He's very weird."
Above is a picture of the boy and his very weird dog.