Thursday, April 07, 2011

Quotes for the Day...

While looking at a map of Turkey last night, I asked Julia if she knew what that area was called in ancient times. Without missing a beat, she answers, "Chicken?"

Matthew has a new term. Before "stepping on a frog", he yelled out "Burning in the hole!"

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

What the.....!?!

So, we're at the orthodontist consult for Matthew today. And, after much fidgeting and screwball antics Matthew finally earned the right to dig for a toy from the toybox. After 5 minutes, he had been unable to find the right toy. The woman working with us brought out a different toy he hadn't seen and put it on the desk. He looked at it and said incredulously,

"What the hell is that?"


We also found out he needs 7 teeth pulled. We're debating about whether or not to tell him that this is what happens to boys who reference "hell."

Also included are a few copies of Amanda's latest artwork. They are entitled "Going Rabbid" and "Gobbledygook."