Monday, August 17, 2009

Still another thing I never thought I'd say...

The list continues. Today, I said the following to Matthew:


Matthew had been drawing on post-its. They are, as most people know, self-adhesive. Matthew either did not know this or determined that the post-it adhesive was somehow unreliable. He decided (for some reason known only to him) that he needed to put a post-it on the family room wall. First, he decided tape was needed. He came over and asked me for tape. I said we didn't have any (that's a lie, but he usually finds a way to use up a whole roll of tape anytime he gets a hold of one so I've learned not to give him any). He goes over to the desk and looks around anyway (probably because he knows I'm lying). I was unaware that in his search for tape he instead found ...a gluestick. He disappears around the corner. I then hear an odd rubbing sound, then a patting sound, then a way-too-satisfied, "There!" I come around the corner and he has applied a liberal amount of purple gluestick to the wall (2'x3') to put up one 3"x3" post-it. I shake my head and say the above quote and realize how odd it really does sound. It cleans up fine (when you catch it fast).

It really makes me wonder what happens in his kindergarten class when he does this at home. I can only imagine the quotes and stories those teachers must have...