Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More Soccer Pictures

Here are some more soccer pictures - you'll notice that sometimes Matthew is more interested in modern dance moves, looking for butterflies, and (gasp!) illegal watering than soccer. Hey, at least he's not cutting into a gas line! Yes, we have gas lines in Atlanta - they really stink. 1 out of maybe 10 gas stations in our area has gas - and when there is gas you have a gas line that extends for 30-40 cars, can last an hour (minimum), and result in traffic accidents, fist fights, and displays of language that would embarass a sailor. And, there is usually either a $20 or $40 limit (figure in $4.20-$4.40 per gallon and you can understand why this is not really helping much!) They say that it should be better "by the end of the week". They also said this last week, and the week before. Ohh well, guess we gotta use less gas (Wow! What an idea!) I'll see if I can take a picture of a gas line (the problem is, there are so few stations with gas that even that is a hard thing to find!)