Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Dear Easter Bunny...

"Amanda's Basket"
* All gold eggs with candy and surprises, and a few real gold eggs and a real emerald jewel, not including necklace.
* Gold eggs made out of real gold in a gold colored basket.

"Easter List for Julia"
* Chocolate (like you give everybody) in shapes
* Easter Book (any we don't have)
* Rainbow eggs and more green eggs with candy and surprises
* Cookies made by you in your shape
* Including a gold egg (REAL gold)
All in a green basket.

"Things for Allison's Easter"
Give Allison anything in a pink basket (things she would love)

"Matthew's Basket"
Matthew's is blue eggs with things he can eat, in an orange basket

"For Todd's Basket"
Anything he likes, like cashews, in a red basket.

"Easter Basket for Kelly"
Anything except peanuts or peanut butter. She is allergic to peanuts. In a yellow basket.

Got that Easter Bunny ???

(written by Amanda before bed tonight, with some suggestions from her siblings)

New pictures for Allison

Not to be outdone by her little brother, Allison decided to get a few new pictures taken today. Matthew tried his best to streak in front of the camera cheerfully screaming, "Cheese!" Funny how when he was getting his picture taken he couldn't get away from the camera fast enough...

Monday, March 27, 2006

Julia the firebug

Julia tried to burn the bathroom down Saturday. It was an “accident". She “accidentally” got toilet paper into a candle. The candle was nowhere near the toilet/ the toilet paper roll, and in fact one would have to climb on top of the sink to "accidentally" reach the candle. Surprisingly, the toilet paper started on fire when it made contact with the candle, and Julia (apparently unsure of what to do) decided to drop the burning toilet paper into the garbage can (not the toilet filled with fire-killing water 3 inches away). She opened the door and exclaimed, "Mom, there's a fire!" Mom doused it with water and put it outside. The trash can, sadly, did not make it. But, the bathroom is intact. Julia has promised there will be no more "accidents."