We celebrated our first Georgia Halloween with lots of running and way too much candy. Matthew RAN to every house. He RAN back to me after a few houses and screamed, "Candy! I got candy! I go get more!" After an hour, it was pretty much the same, only I had to carry him between houses. And, instead of "trick-or-treat" he was saying, "Hey, penguin here!" The girls all had fun too, although Julia insisted on wearing the 4T bunny costume that we've had for about 5 years...it was still cute :) Bobbie Ann joined us for the trip, and then we met up with other friends. It was a fun time, but everyone was tired after going up and down all our neighborhood hills. They are steep...
(Ohh, you'll notice that Matthew was Tiggr at school, and a penguin for trick-or-treating - he needed the school costume to be bathroom friendly...)
Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween :)