Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lesson #441

This one is courtesy of mom.

Lesson #441: Never go to the dentist for your child's tooth extraction when you have been exposed to someone with the flu, haven't eaten a whole lot, and then stand for 45 minutes in a fairly warm room. Did you know that standing for 45 minutes with plummeting blood sugar can make you faint? Yes, faint, as in cold sweats, dizziness, tunnel vision, and ending up in a dentist chair with you feet in the air. Yes, it was that much fun!

Luckily, I realized what was happening and got out of the room before Julia knew anything was up (they'd already finished pulling her teeth when it hit me). By the way, THAT is pretty cool. It's not like they grab a pair of pliers and yank. The dentist uses this little tool to go in and loosen the tooth all up first - it looks kind of like a very miniaturized version of a cross between that "hook" they use to scale teeth and (for lack of a better comparison) a chisel. The whole procedure is not even too bloody - especially compared to the last time Julia had teeth pulled. Yes, this is the second extraction I've witnessed (so we know I'm not a queasy person - this is why I felt especially stupid because this stuff doesn't make me sick!) Julia fell on her face about 4 years ago when her two front teeth were loose and made them a whole lot looser. That time, it was pretty bloody. Anyway, the first thing I noticed was feeling extraordinarly warm. For someone who's been literally frozen since moving here, it was especially odd to be sweating! But, really, it was just embarrassing. I tried to shake it off, walk it off, drink some water. But, I started getting tunnel vision and realized there was only one solution... So, after being in the chair with my feet up for about 5 minutes, I felt a little better. I drove home (feeling pretty woozy) and slept for nearly 3 hours in a chair (which is nearly impossible for me under normal circumstances). Then, because I'm nuts, I took the kids to the movies. Actually, it was a planned thing that people were supposed to meet us for (but nobody showed). I got home and actually got sick for a few hours until I managed to get some food in me. Good times!!! Today, still a little woozy, but no fainting or residual illness.

As we were driving home from the movies (and, to be truthful, the entire time before and during the movie) I was really, really feeling sick. Amanda and Julia were quick to point out (and then get into an argument about who was more qualified) that they could both probably drive the car if I were to faint.

I can't wait to show up to my next appointment in July. Maybe they won't remember (yeah, right!)