The girls really do live in the house too, but the stuff they say sometimes borders on more exasperating than funny. It used to be funny, but now it's really not. So, we are left at the mercy of Matthew for a lot of our material. Here are two of his latest views on comments or situations...
First, we have an incident where Matthew was being a bit of a clown (which is pretty much most of the time he is awake). So, I said to him, "You're a funny guy aren't you?!?" To which he responded angrily, "I'm NOT a funny GUY! I'm a funny BOY!" And you know he is already, at 5, wondering how long he will have to put up with his parents being idiots.
Our second incident comes at the expense of both Bucky and Matthew. Bucky is close behind Matthew as the source of most of our entertainment. Bucky was actively pursuing a squirrel. He thinks he will someday catch one. We mostly laugh a whole lot watching him try to miss the trees, fence, and the occasional child as he tears after the seemingly taunting critters. We were joking around and said, "Attack, Bucky!" Matthew turns and looks at us (with hands on hips) and says quite seriously, "He CAN'T! He doesn't have arms, only legs!" I guess to a 5 year old, hands are really required for an attack.
Have a great Tuesday :)