Saturday, October 27, 2007

New Pictures!

We have new pics of the kids. There's another of Matthew I'll post later. He was the trickiest of the bunch (as usual). The kids voted to have them done with a sepia tone.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Our latest disaster...errr, project

So, the kids would like a swingset. So, we have a yard that's not level. Did you know that clay is like granite when you haven't had rain in months? Did you know you could bend a pick-axe in clay? I didn't know that clay could spark! See, we're learning so much about our new home!

Here are some shots of our .... dig? project? disaster? It's really still mostly excavation right now. I would also like to add that digging with a 50lb puppy around is not easy...especially when said critter decides to take a nap in the exact spot where you are digging or tries to climb on your back when you sit anywhere. Then, he goes and digs a hole somewhere that you really don't need one at all but that you will invariably trip in when you are (for example) carrying a really heavy tool or say a sharp hatchet. Hard to believe, isn't it? (Note: I meant the part about the dog- the tripping part is easily believable for anyone who knows me!)

We will have more pictures to follow. Hopefully, it will look like the box and we won't have kids landing in trees or over the fence...

Soccer Ends

I know we didn't write much about the soccer season. There are reasons for it, but no need to go into detail. The girls had fun. Julia has decided to try softball - Allison wants to play football. As in American tackle football. She didn't care that she might be the only girl doing it. She really wants to play. Seriously. But, she does still want to play soccer too...

So, here are a few pics from the end of year pizza party. We look forward to a potentially very interesting spring season.

Aquarium fun

A few weeks ago, we went to the Tennessee Aquarium. We took a scenic drive through drought-stricken north Georgia (new motto: "Shower only if you REALLY have to, okay y'all?!?"), saw the only place with green grass growing (the dried out bed of Lake Alatoona), and took approximately 187 pictures of fish in tanks. Amanda was our photographer. She managed to run down the battery in a record 24 minutes. You do the math on that to see how many pictures she took each minute. I have a few of her more interesting shots posted here. It's a great aquarium - and we have a membership to it. Allison wanted to go again the next day...