Friday, February 06, 2009

The Littlest Linskey is 5!!!

Yes, it's official, the boy has actually made it to 5 years old. We didn't think he'd make it this far, but he proved us wrong.

He was awakened by his sisters who serenaded him with "Happy Birthday". He seemed to jump right out of bed (perhaps because his sisters did this before brushing their teeth?) Then, we brought out the balloons. We always get mylar balloons from the Dollar store...and they last a few weeks (unless Bucky gets them). His favorite was a "Love Monkey" balloon. I guess that's the benefit to having a birthday not too far away from Valentine's Day. He had a great day at school, and overall had a really fun birthday.

It's just hard to believe that it's been 5 years since Matthew made his early appearance...where did the time go? Hopefully, the next 5 are as fun (and include fewer hospital visits and/or stays!)

Good quote and article

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."

- Margaret Thatcher

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

How to...what???

Okay, I have another lesson learned. And, of course, Matthew was the instructor.

So, Matthew has been known to enjoy his "special time" on the floor. He is hit or miss with doing it, but today decided to do it when we had guests over. He has no problem with this. And, when I said to him (stupidly), "Why do you do that?" He answered, "Huh? (with a look of 'why is someone interrupting me!') Ohh! Like this!" and proceeded to SHOW me, demonstrating how to use particular body parts in excruciating detail, trying to get ME on the floor to try it, wondering why I was just such a boring mom NOT to try it, how to do this peculiar little thing on the floor. Being that I was so stupid and uncooperative, he even stood up and showed me how to do it standing up. Yeah, why did I even ask? Did I think I'd get an answer that made sense? No, but I also didn't expect a play-by-play demonstration of the exact technique. If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's the reverse of Julia's butt-crunching (which, in itself, is a whole different peculiar habit that anyone who's known Julia knows she's done since she could clench muscle...but although not a common grade-school activity it is, in fact, an incredibly effective buns-of-steel exercise...go rent the video if you don't believe me).

So, the lesson is:
Lesson #432
Don't ask why they have a strange/odd/peculiar little habit and expect a logical answer (or any answer at all). Don't be surprised if they try to get you to join in the fun. If it's not breaking the law, and improves muscle tone, why not just let them do it? Eventually, they'll grow out of it. Right?