Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Dear Easter Bunny...

"Amanda's Basket"
* All gold eggs with candy and surprises, and a few real gold eggs and a real emerald jewel, not including necklace.
* Gold eggs made out of real gold in a gold colored basket.

"Easter List for Julia"
* Chocolate (like you give everybody) in shapes
* Easter Book (any we don't have)
* Rainbow eggs and more green eggs with candy and surprises
* Cookies made by you in your shape
* Including a gold egg (REAL gold)
All in a green basket.

"Things for Allison's Easter"
Give Allison anything in a pink basket (things she would love)

"Matthew's Basket"
Matthew's is blue eggs with things he can eat, in an orange basket

"For Todd's Basket"
Anything he likes, like cashews, in a red basket.

"Easter Basket for Kelly"
Anything except peanuts or peanut butter. She is allergic to peanuts. In a yellow basket.

Got that Easter Bunny ???

(written by Amanda before bed tonight, with some suggestions from her siblings)

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