We celebrated the 4th by swimming all day (it was a brisk 97 degrees yesterday) and then attending the pyrotechnic festivities at the Charles County Fairgrounds (motto: We have really bad parking). We casually lounged in comfy seats and managed to avoid buying any of the goofy trinkets being sold (this was accomplished by telling the girls that if they asked one more time that we'd attach them to one of the fireworks shells). We enjoyed some soda and popcorn and waited for the show to start. So, dusk rolls around...and the line of cars still coming is quite long. Apparently, people in Southern Maryland cannot tell time. So, they made an announcement that the display would start at 9:25 (to accomodate those who live without clocks)? Meanwhile, not one but TWO thunderstorms are approaching. Said thunderstorms were noticed not because of the thunder but because of the mulitple large bolts of lightning that were striking closer and closer. At this point, I'm trying to recall what the odds are of being struck by lightning... So, the show finally starts, and let me say that a fireworks display with a background of random and disturbingly close bolts of lightning adds vivid contrast to the color and depth of the fireworks. Matthew was fairly impressed. Allison was quite mad and has dictated that she will not go to see fireworks ever again unless they are NOT loud and big. The lightning did not add to the moment for her. Her sisters were quite impressed and delcared it was the best one they'd ever seen. Overall, it was a good night and a pretty good display.
We hope everyone enjoyed and appreciated their 4th of July!
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