Friday, March 21, 2008

Orange Phones and trucks named "Jerry"

It was a typical after-school day for Matthew. Well, except for the part where he came in from outside with our phone. In his defense, I had brought it out and set it on the porch while doing yard work. I was going in and out of the house. So, I put it outside. On the porch. Away from dirt, water, clay, and dogs.

Apparently, it was not far enough away from children.

I assumed it was still on the porch. Somehow, it made it's way to the mudpit, possibly the dog, and maybe in some water. It WAS black and silver. What Matthew bought to me was covered in orange clay and sand, and was kind of gray. It still (sort of) works. I had to use a bunch of toothpicks and even a safety pin to try and gouge the clay, mud, and sand out of the buttons. So, if you call and it sounds a bit fuzzy... you'll know why. A new phone is being procured.

In other news, Matthew has now started naming his cars. In honor of his current favorite movie (Transformers), his yellow sports-car is named "Bumblebee". His red truck is called "red firetruck". His blue car is called "blue car". His silver car is called "silver car". But, his green truck has a special name. When Todd asked, "Is that 'green truck'?" Matthew responded, 'No, that's 'Jerry.'" A picture of Jerry has been included for your viewing enjoyment.

(I'd have taken a picture of the phone, but I was trying to save it...)

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