Friday, October 02, 2009

It's finally over!

Yes, we closed. I'm in shock that it's finally over - nearly 6 months to the day that we started. There are almost no "regular" houses selling now - it's nearly all quick sales, short sales, and foreclosures. So, we should feel lucky. I try to convince myself that we are lucky. Actually, I do feel better. But, it wasn't all so easy. We moved out, cleaned the house, and it was perfect (the total opposite of what we moved into 2 1/2 years ago). But, sadly, we had not learned enough lessons with selling homes and were due another one. See, we had all that flooding in the county, and we were so lucky not to have any flooding, right? Apparently, the flooding fairy decided to seek her revenge in another way. Our washer water connection (which was not completely off) dripped enough to obliterate part of the powder room ceiling below it. This is the scenario of events leading to the discovery: (1) I walked in the house the day we were letting the new buyers move in (our closing was held up, and this is not a joke, because of flood re-certification) (2)I looked in the bathroom and noticed water on the floor. (3) I looked up. (4) Some time later, when I regained consciousness after what was either a fugue state or some kind of mental breakdown, I realized that water on the ceiling must come from above the ceiling and thought, "Ohhh *$&%!!! The water line busted on something!" and ran upstairs half-expecting to find the whole 2nd floor flooded (yes, I freaked out big time). (5) To my relief, shock, and then confusion there is no obvious water leak. Huh???? As I look closer, I see a little drip-drip-drip coming out of the faucets. (6) ARGHHHHH!!! (7) I tightened down the faucets, plugged up the spigots, and ran in the basement to check for water. (8) There was none so I was fairly confident that it was only the drip and not a pipe. (9) I called Todd and began babbling incoherently and basically freaking out. (10) The new buyers showed up ...and, I have to tell them their new house that was perfect has a water leak when we've never had a water leak ever. Well, except for when the water heater exploded right after we moved in but that doesn't really count. They were really understanding about it, but we will be paying to fix it...sigh.

SO, for those moving ever, always make sure your water really is off and don't trust your movers to give a rip about anything they do in or to your house. There are some good movers (like are super-awesome movers Chuck and Charlie from our last move), but there are also bad ones. Be warned

Does anyone know tax law about claiming a loss on the investment (upgrades) put into a house???? If you do, give us a call. Please. Pretty please. We did have rent for one day, so maybe we can work that to our advantage!?!? Yes, I'm truly nuts now.

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