Wednesday, July 23, 2008

5-hour rule?

Some people believe in the 5 second rule. Some people think there's a 5 minute rule. But, in Matthew's world, he has a trick that makes food good no matter how long it has been on the floor.

Lesson # 427: If you blow on it, it doesn't matter how long a piece of food has been on the floor because that will make it okay to eat. It will no longer be dirty if you blow on it. So don't throw it away, blow on it.

(The following lesson was demonstrated to us when, while eating Fruit Loops one morning for quite a long time, Matthew noticed that there was some that had fallen to the floor. Cathy picked it up and put it on the counter. I picked it up to throw it away. Matthew looked at me and sternly said, "No, it's not dirty. Blow on it." And he was quite serious. And, after blowing on it, he took it out of my hand and ate it!)

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