Wednesday, December 18, 2019

2019 …
Happy December 2019!  Our kids are all in high school or college.  We forgot what we did most of the year due to our advancing age. But, here are a few things we think happened:

·         Experienced our first “for real” earthquakes over the summer.  And, of course, we had several more wildfires. 
·         If you need anything done with a chainsaw or texture gun, Todd is your man. 
·         Our hiking trips continued to both old and new destinations and featured several new and improved attempts at injury.
·         Julia tells us all about gross stuff she sees in her nursing life. Not sure if this is better than her previous obsession with dog videos. 
·         After one week, Allison ditched the dream of the swashbuckling life of an accountant for marine science. 
·         Matthew has surpassed mom and Allison and is now currently ranked 3rd in the Linskey Family height competition.


Amanda – College SUPER Senior (Cal Poly SLO - Forestry)
“Amanda ready”:  No shoes, maybe dressed, almost packed, usually 10-15 minutes from actually being ready.
Dispenses reassuring Forestry advice.  Example: “They look weird, but they are probably edible.”
Returned to Japan, discovered more anime, and stunned to learn that sumo wrestlers basically get that big eating only soup.
Answered the eternal question plaguing mankind:  Do cows roll or slide if they fall down a hill.  (It’s both).

Julia – College Junior (CSU–Long Beach – Nursing)
When asked what a philatelist collects, she hypothesized that it was someone who collects romance novels about “Phil.”
Learned there is no difference between a “Bruin” and a “Bear.” 
Drove home from school with her phone on top of the car.  Learned not to do that again.
Has serious trouble ordering cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. 
Freely admits that she has not been to a gym all year. 

Allison – College Freshmen (CSU Monterey Bay – Marine Science)   
Has actually been to the gym this year. 
Routinely stays up until 2 or 3 am and thinks this is normal. 
Texts in cavewoman.  May be related to the above fact. 
Tried to blow herself up lighting the grill to make Bratwurst. Apparently, it was worth it.  Priorities.
The rest of us are disappointed with her hatred of this Christmas letter.  Especially Bucky.

Matthew – High School Freshman (St. Bonaventure High School)
What I hate (by Matthew):  1) Hiking 2) Dryland 3) Vegetables 4) Unnecessary shopping 5) REI 6) Etc.
Has determined that the next Frozen sequel should include the song, “Keep It In.”
“Welcome to meeting me.” and “It’s lonely out here on crazy island” were both overheard from a brooding Matthew.
 “I don’t waste my life doing stuff for other people.”  (Matthew – in a moment of brutal honesty)
Renamed “cream cheese” to “cheese cream.”  This is a follow-up to his prior renaming triumph of “waffle sauce.”

Bucky – age 12 ½ - “Bumpasaurus”
After years of attacking bushes to relieve himself, one finally struck back and punctured his eye.  He has not learned from this mistake.
Dreams of becoming a “pirate dog.” 
Given the chance, he will eat an entire corn cob.  It is now number one on his list of “foods that MUST be tried.”
Can only take a bath in a kiddie pool (partly because he can’t go upstairs anymore, partly because he is afraid of water from a hose).
Has added “anything he THINKS he hears, even if it’s nothing” and tipped-over garbage cans to his list of “things that must be barked at.”
Often “fake shakes” (as if he is freezing) when forced to spend time outside in our brutal California (70 degrees and sunny) climate.

Have and a safe and happy 2020!  
Go Badgers/Packers/Mustangs/Dirtbags/Otters/Seraphs!

Todd, Kelly, Amanda, Julia, Allison, Matthew and Bucky

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